
Bored?  Have nothing else to do?  Wanna write your opinions and have them posted up on this website?  GOOD!  Any and all reviews of (almost) anything are more than welcome up here (see Legal.Stuff for more info).  Email marina1313@msn.com with your full name (see Legal.Stuff for the whole name thing), the actual review, and email.  If you don't want your email posted up with your review, tell me and it shant be done.  There is no minimum and no maximum to the reviews you submit.  It's purely up to you.  If you've got more questions (and they weren't answered in Legal.Stuff), feel free to email me


If you (yes YOU!) want to REALLY join the Huh?Reviews.com (unpaid) staff and have a swell title, YOU CAN!  Just email me & apply for the title you want (they're below, so just hold on...).  Yes, you do actually get to have a say in the kingdom that is Huh?Reviews.com and... stuff.  So yeah, there'll be a staff page where all us super people will be profiled.  

Here's the titles you (yes YOU!) can apply for:

Assistant Editor- Helps me edit out all the double negatives and poor grammatical and spelling habits.
Coffee boy/girl- See the title?  That's what you'd do.  Only... over the net?  Umm.  Basically you do all the work that no one else wants (like searching out information).  
Review Compiler- All the reviews would be sent to you.  And found by you.  Anything having to do with getting reviews, you got it!
Recruiter- You find people to write reviews for the site.  'Nuf said. 
Promoter- You go out and shamelessly promote the site with reckless abandon.  Anywhere and everywhere you can find a place to promote, you do it.

I guess you'd like to know what my title is SO here it is: Editor-In-Chief, Webmistress, and Supreme Goddess of the Universe.  Oh yeah, and whatever titles above that aren't applied for.

