
It's the infamous Legal.Stuff page!  Anyway, click on the category you wanna see and it'll be there fer ya.

Huh? Policies
Reviews Rules and Restrictions
As webmistress, I claim the right to...
Rights of Reviewers
Loose ends


Huh? Policies:

All reviews are properties of those who originally wrote them.  Huh? claims NO RESPONSIBILITY for the individual's opinion and/or claims of the truth.  DO NOT email Huh? and expect me to back up ANY CLAIMS WHATSOEVER (unless one of the regulars or myself was the reviewer).  


All graphics are ©Marina Rudduck.  The picture in the background of the main graphic is a drawing done by Tim Burton.  If someone connected to Tim Burton (or Tim Burton himself) does not wish me to use the graphic any more, I will be more than happy to comply.  Yes, I am a chicken shit.  I don't want any court cases, thank you very much.

Reviews Rules and Regulations:

Ok, here's what all you future reviewers are looking for: the restrictions (as few as they may be).  If you do not comply and submit a review breaking the rules, it will NOT be posted.  

1. Cussing is fine, but try to actually use your vocabulary to express yourself.  Please don't use fuck every other word.  Use a fucking thesaurus for fucks sake you fucking fuck.  

2. Read thru the other reviews.  If you have a review for say Sum 41's All Killer No Filler, and there is another review for it, feel free to submit your thoughts.  A maximum of 10 per subject will be posted (ie: only 10 reviews will be posted for All Killer No Filler).  After that, the old reviews will be cycled into the Old.Reviews.Bin to make way for the newer reviews.

3. Don't plagiarize.  Huh? is original thoughts posted for original thinkers only.  Quotes are fine as long as you credit the person who said it.  If plagiarized and legal action is taken, don't come crying to me.  I won't help ya.

4. Don't review your date last night or the guy/girl you just broke up with or the guy/girl you just screwed.  NO ONE CARES.  Local bands are ok.  Clubs... are ok.  Restaurants... eh, but ok.  NO PARTIES.  That's what the phone's for MAN.  

As webmistress, I claim the right to...

Yeah yeah yeah, I get to play editor-in-chief.  If you've got really bad spelling and bad sentence structure (ie: past and present and future tenses all in the same sentence), I reserve the right to make your review readable if it wasn't to begin with.  If a review is submitted in spanish, I can translate it.  Any other language besides English and Spanish, fo'gettabout it.  I'm not a genius or anything.

Rights of Reviewers:

As a Reviewer, you do have rights.  If you do not wish your full name, please give me something with which to credit the review to (like a nickname, initials, first name, last name, whatever).  If you don't want your email posted with your review, it's fine by me.  I will, however, keep your email for future reference (for instance, if someone writes me asking for your addy, I'll check with you to see if you care or not).  I will never EVER give out email addys to companies.  I hate spam too man.  I FELL yo' pain.  But please, for my own ease and simplicity, allow me to put your friggin email address with your review.  The email addys I keep are the ones that don't post it with their response.  Whatever.  It's up to you.


The reviews on this website are pure opinions.  Some may be backed with facts, examples, whatever, but for the most part are opinions.  All the reviews are protected under the Huh? copyright blanket.  I cannot authorize the use of anyone's review.  If no email is given for the Reviewer and you absolutely MUST have the review on your website, I will contact the Reviewer and get back to ya.  Don't steal other's ideas.  It'll come back to ya 10 fold.

Loose ends:

Hmm... Huh? is owned and maintained by Marina Rudduck.  Any use or dissemination of this website without expressed written consent by myself is strictly prohibited.  If that made sense to you, I'm sorry.

